Sweet Farm is the first non-profit sanctuary in the world to address the global impacts of factory farming across animals, the plants and the planet. Our food web is incredibly complicated and it’s impossible to move forward without first acknowledging how these pieces are connected. By linking veganic agriculture, farm-animal rescue, education, and the technology that is revolutionizing food and agriculture production — Sweet Farm is redefining what it means to be a sanctuary.
The stories of our animal ambassadors educate people on how the choices they make at each meal directly impact the lives of animals. They are also the stories of the billions that could not be saved.
Our agriculture program showcases the beauty of veganically grown, heirloom crops, while educating local families on plant-based living, and feeding low-income families and farmers.
Our technology program supports start-ups who are working to make our food system more compassionate and sustainable on a global scale.
We’re building a Sanctuary 2.0 experience that enables change at a global level. Check out this video about our work!